Dear sponsors, friends and friends of Zangdok Palri Lotus

The Sambhota orphanage school now faces unexpected challenges. Indeed, due to circumstances beyond our control, it is impossible for us to continue to manage it.

It is with great sadness that we have therefore been forced to suspend the activities of the orphanage school, while waiting for the situation to normalize again.

Solutions have been found for the care of all children who have returned to their families or who have been taken in by relatives. It goes without saying that we stand ready to provide assistance when necessary.

We therefore ask you not to send us any more donations intended to support the Sambhota school; we will of course be sure to keep you informed as the situation develops, and when we can resume our normal activities.

These momentary obstacles obviously do not call into question the raison d’être of our association. We maintain our commitments and efforts towards what is important to us, the well-being of the Tibetan people, their education and the preservation of Tibetan culture.

Our activities are currently being deployed in two areas:

Education of Tibetan children in Belgium. It is impossible to know exactly how many thousands of Tibetans live in Belgium, but it is certain that among them, many parents are aware of the risk that exists for their children either to integrate with difficulty in their host country, or of ‘forget their roots and lose part of their identity.

It is in this context that the Tibetan Buddhist center Dharma City in Florennes, created by Patrul Rinpoche, has regularly welcomed groups of Tibetan children for years now coming to reclaim their culture: songs, dances, the philosophy of Dharma, but above all language, an essential factor which conveys all the values of a people.

The preservation of Tibetan culture, through our support to the Zangdok Palri Institute. The building, inaugurated in 2010, is intended to house ceremonies, rituals as well as the transmission of thousand-year-old knowledge, in a space and a setting which are in themselves an education. Maintenance activities and especially the pursuit of reimbursement of its financing remain at the center of our concern.

To all of you, a huge thank you for supporting and encouraging us for so many years with your donations, your participation and for allowing us to carry out this project together!

Thank you on behalf of the children of Dzogchen!


Zangdok Palri’s team

Jan 2018